Stop Smoking

St Marys Smoking Cessation Service

We have a weekly clinic run by CAMQUIT at the surgery.

Telephone: 01353 6634343 option 1

NHS Smokefree - Mobile App

The Smokefree app can help you stop smoking by providing daily support and motivation. If you stay smokefree for the 4-week programme you’re up to five times more likely to stay quit for good.

Download from: Google Play: NHS Smokefree

Download from: iTunes: NHS Smokefree


CAMQUIT is your local Cambridgeshire stop smoking service. They focus on providing advice, information and support to local people who are thinking of stopping smoking. Whether you’re a young person who’s started smoking relatively recently or an adult who’s been smoking since childhood, their friendly team can help you start out on the road to quitting – for good.

Telephone: 0800 018 4304


Quit with help

Everyone has a different reason for quitting, get a personalised Quit Smoking Plan.
