The Staff
The Practice Manager and assistant Practice Manager, are responsible for the administration of the practice. Any comments, suggestions and feedback, both negative and positive, are welcome, and should be directed to them.
The Practice Nurses
A team of practice nurses run the treatment room during surgery hours. Surgeries are run for smears, dressings, removal of sutures, injections, immunisations and minor illness. Appointments should be made at the main reception desk.
The nursing assistants also run surgeries each day. They take bloods to monitor patients on certain medication, in particular rheumatology drugs, and undertake other blood test requests, perform ECGs, ear syringing, lung function tests and take blood pressure readings. They also perform new patient medicals and NHS Health Checks and administer Vitamin B12 injections.
The Practice Nurse Team
Lynn Phan
Bachelor of Nursing – Adult Nursing (2008)
Alison Kelly
Asthma Diploma RGN COPD Diploma. Diploma of higher education in community health.
Jo Greaves
RN/Diploma in Higher Education
Julia Milbank
RGN 1978
Lauren Read
Diploma in Adult Nursing (2013)
Jane Cook
Diploma of Health Science in Nursing (1993)
Tania Barros
Nursing Assistants
Tara Green
Felicity Wootton
Charlotte Wren
Kelly Campbell
Natasha Crowther
The Reception Staff
As in every doctor’s surgery, the receptionists perform the most difficult task, coping with the needs of the patients and the constraints of an appointment system. They are fully trained and will always endeavour to provide the best service possible to the patients in total confidence. General enquiries by telephone should be made after 10:30.
The Dispensary Staff
The team of dispensary assistants dispense prescriptions for patients living more than one mile from the nearest chemist, and also process repeat prescriptions for patients living within the City of Ely.
The Secretarial and Administration Staff
A group of secretaries and administrators completes the practice team, dealing with computer tasks, hospital referrals, pathology results, filing and general administration.
General Practice Training
St. Mary’s surgery is a recognised teaching practice for undergraduates. These students sit in on consultations with the doctors. Patients are informed when students are observing consultations and are perfectly entitled to request the student to leave.
District Nurses
Community nurses based at the Princess of Wales Hospital, Ely are attached to St. Mary’s Surgery. They can be contacted directly, or a message can be left on their answer phone, 0844 931 0045
Health Visitors
The health visitors attached to St. Mary’s Surgery are also based at the Princess of Wales Hospital, Ely. They too can be contacted directly by telephoning 01353 652070.
They are qualified nurses who have undertaken further training in order to work as a member of the primary healthcare team in promoting health and the prevention of illness in children.
They work closely with GPs and other social and healthcare professionals and are a great source of support, able to offer telephone advice, information (e.g. to new parents) and screening.